Celebrating Indigenous Creativity: #ShopNative with Bloom Communications

#shopnative 2023 holiday Nov 16, 2023

At Bloom Communications, we believe in the power of art to connect communities, bridge gaps and celebrate diverse cultures. As we approach the holiday season, we're thrilled to announce a special initiative that shines a spotlight on the incredible Native artists of Alaska.

Through #ShopNative, we've compiled a special list of Native artisans to be featured on our blog and shared across our social platforms this holiday season. This list will evolve, so keep checking back for updates!

Why #ShopNative Matters to Us

Building bridges and fostering connections lie at the core of our mission. We recognize the wealth of talent within Native communities, especially in rural Alaska, and we're passionate about providing a platform to showcase their artistry. #ShopNative isn't just a hashtag; it's a commitment to supporting Indigenous creativity, preserving cultural heritage, and creating economic opportunities for Native artists.

The Importance of Rural Alaska

Rural Alaska is home to a rich tapestry of Native cultures, each with its unique artistic expressions deeply rooted in tradition. However, accessing a broader market can be challenging for artists in remote regions. Bloom Communications sees this as an opportunity to bridge the gap, offering a digital space where their creations can shine.

Calling All Native Artists

We're inviting Native artists, with a focus on those from rural Alaska, to join us on this exciting journey. Whether you work with traditional materials, contemporary mediums, or a fusion of both, we want to showcase your talent!

To be featured, share a brief description of your art on our Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn (and be sure to include your website or social handle). We also invite you to tag fellow artists who deserve to be celebrated. 

Reasons to Participate

There are many benefits for artists who participate in our #ShopNative initiative:

- Increased visibility: Your name and a snippet about your art will be featured in a dedicated list on our blog and shared on our socials. 

- Community support: Connect with a wider audience who values and appreciates Indigenous creativity.

- Holiday exposure: Give your art the spotlight during the holiday season, a time when people are actively looking for unique and meaningful gifts.

Stay Tuned

As we compile the list of featured Native artists, we'll be updating this blog post with their information. This is an opportunity to discover unique pieces and support Indigenous artists while checking off your holiday shopping list.

Let's make this holiday season extra special by embracing and celebrating the artistry of Native communities. Together, we can make a difference—one purchase at a time. Stay tuned, shop local, and let's make this a season of meaningful connections and beautiful creations. 

Our #ShopNative Featured Artists

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